"DCM" - Desautels Capital Management
Desautels Capital Management is Canada’s first university-owned, student-run registered investment management firm. Established in 2009, Desautels Capital Management offers students in the Honours Investment Management program and the Masters of Management in Finance program meaningful and realistic experience in the industry. All students enrolled in the Honours Investment Management Program and Masters of Management in Finance program work for the company, managing four funds with approximately $7.5 million in assets.
Students are divided by sector and use a combination of quantitative, fundamental, and ESG analysis to identify undervalued stocks and bonds. Students may also take on secondary roles in DCM's Risk Management, Economics, Sustainability, Quant, or Marketing teams. Students meet regularly with DCM's program mentors, Professors Vadim di Pietro and Jiro Kondo. Professor di Pietro acts as the firm’s Chief Investment Officer and advising representative and is responsible for approving all trades.