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Below is the link to the McGill BCom website for application details.

HIM Recruitment Timeline

Applications are open and will close on Jan. 12th, 2025

HIM Application Info

The HIM application process consists of two rounds: screening and interviews.

Round 1




Highlight past experiences and extracurriculars


Cover Letter

Outline your motivation for joining HIM



Validate academic standing

Submit a single PDF containing your resume and cover letter via the admissions link at the top of the page. Templates are for guidance but are not necessary. 

Therapy Session

Round 2






These interviews will consist of questions ranging from simple technicals to the classic "tell me about yourself" to trying to understand your motivation for joining HIM.



7-minute presentation followed by professor’s questions. Choose a ticker from the provided list and recommend a buy or a sell.

You can use this slide template.

Each interview should total to ~15mins in length. Questions range from motivational, behavioral, and some technical (tailored to applicant).


A collection of useful materials.

Submit Your Questions

Thanks for submitting!

  • Application
  • I am not able to access the application submission form on the McGill BCom website. Can someone help me with this?
    This is because the application webform was not made available to students yet. The HIM application portal will open on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. You will have until Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 11:59 PM to submit your application. You can find the form at this link:
  • We know the official cut-off for the HIM application is a CGPA of 3.3, but what would you consider the more competitive threshold?
    Indeed, a CGPA of 3.30 or higher is required to apply. Given the HIM program's competitive nature and the large number of applicants, the higher your grades, the better. This program seeks individuals who demonstrate academic excellence. That said, the application process considers other factors, such as your resume, cover letter, stock pitch quality, and interviews. If your CGPA is above 3.3, I encourage you to apply. Don't disqualify yourself before anyone else does!
  • Will shortlisted candidates be contacted for interviews starting in late January, as initially communicated, or did the timeline shift to February or mid-March, as stated in the confirmation email received after we submitted our application form on the Bcom website?
    Apologies for the confusion; the confirmation email you received contained dates that were not updated to reflect this year’s timeline. Applicants selected to advance to the second round will be notified during the week of January 20th. The three interviews, conducted with professors and HIM alumni, will take place in late January / early February. This means you will be informed of whether or not you made it to the second round approximately a week before the interviews begin. Final decisions will be announced in February.
  • If interviews are scheduled for late January, can you provide an estimate of when candidates will be notified about their application status?
    Round 1 screening decisions will be released during the week of January 20th. Round 2, which consists of three interviews, will occur in late January / early February. This means you will only have about a week between receiving the Round 1 decisions and the start of the interviews. The process moves quickly, so the earlier you prepare, the better.
  • Academics
  • General
  • Pitching
  • How can I find a good thesis?
    Start by reading about the company and its industry to understand the business model, value chain, etc. Then, identify a key value driver where you think you have a unique perspective. To do this, you will need to research using multiple resources. The library offers access to many databases and links to analyst reports in Investext, JP Morgan Research, and more. The goal is to find something the market hasn’t fully priced in. Also, make sure to link your qualitative ideas to your valuation. For access to useful databases: Also, feel free to refer back to the slides from our second info session, where we go into all of this in more detail:
  • How much time will there be between receiving the Round 1 results and the start of the Round 2 interviews? When would you recommend beginning preparation for the pitch?
    Round 2 interviews will take place in late January / early February. There is usually about a week between Round 1 decisions and the start of Round 2 interviews, so it will come fast. The preparation time required depends on your level of familiarity with stock pitching and finance, but the sooner you start preparing, the better!
  • As someone new to stock pitching, is there a particular sector you recommend?
    I wouldn't recommend any specific sector. Since you'll be spending a significant amount of time on your pitch, choose a sector or a company that genuinely interests you. Regardless of your choice, make sure to read and learn about the sector of your selected company to familiarize yourself with its overall dynamics, industry trends, competitors, etc. As a reminder, you can find the list of stocks/bonds here:
  • I looked at the stock pitch guidelines posted on the website. Are we expected to cover all the bullet points, given that we only have 7 minutes to present?
    The stock pitch checklist you are referring to is used for actual pitches in DCM, which are intended to be much longer. So, no, you are not required to cover every bullet point from that document. For your HIM application pitch, you should focus on your investment thesis (or theses) and valuation. The expected sections to cover are: Executive summary (~30s) Company overview (~30s) Price performance (~1min) Investment thesis I (~2min) Investment thesis II (optional, ~30s) DCF Valuation (~90s) Comparables Valuation (~90s) Any additional information or insights you find particularly relevant can be included in your Appendix section. The DCM stock pitch checklist you were referring to can be found here:

Useful Info

Below is a collection of past materials we hope are helpful to prepare you for your HIM application as well as in your pursuit of finance education generally. Please note, we do not claim for these resources to be all-encompassing. Rather, we hope they can serve as springboards for future research and learning. If you have suggestions for items to add, please feel free to reach out to us via the FAQ board. 

Info Sessions




Info Session #1






Info Session #2



Pitch Documents

Stock Pitch Checklist

External Sources


Financial Times

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