Sector: Diversified Industrials
The Diversified Industrials consists of two sub-sectors: Industrials and Materials. The Industrials sub-sector monitors industry trends and performs research and analysis on relevant equities within the North American umbrella to find companies that best fit our views. Given the large amount of securities and business models within the space, the Industrials group focuses on a top-down analysis. This allows us to find interesting stories from both the large and small cap world within sectors that are thriving.
The Materials sub-sector is responsible for conducting research and analysis on equities within the natural resources field, excluding oil and gas. Our fund considers natural resources equities to include companies that own, produce, refine, process, transport, and market natural resources or that provide related services. Given the wide breadth of securities and the multiple subsectors of the field, our investment strategy consists of a bottom-up approach within sub-sectors that reflect our macroeconomic and industry views.